Sunday, July 16, 2006

note to self

well these really are all just notes to self, now aren't they?
endeavour to lose the pedantic nature of delivery of information. just hadn't seen people in so long, trying to crush it all into a small bit of space.
the wedding was surprisingly very nice, i try to be open to the flow of love despite the patterned behaviour of formalizing unions, and mostly that was achieved. should have gone back to the party afterwards because there were too many unfinished conversations but was too tired from the dancing. ( or too overwhelmed by the unfinished conversations, that is what happens without alcohol buffer. performance score 6/10 )
and curt really did look like a pirate.


qbitty said...

score some booty, ahoy! i could use some pirate talk lessons and more made up w0rd:z!

may i suggest eliminating the word verification technique?


eric d said...

u deserve this
however i'm not going to post in order everywhere, how dull is that, not a memory book at all, snaps dropped on the floor, glimpsed by a madmind with a lucrative job and no home decor but for a big placemat ( which doesn't look so bad actually, but the rest of the place...weeeelll, you are mad enough, decorate it. write trixies, they are so swell, give your qbitty something to look at when u'r away)

My photo
if a photo, image or dress isn't mine i'll identify who's it is, or at least from whence it came.