Friday, December 28, 2007

e-greety de doom and a goopy syrup ending

well heeello dears another
years and years gonbye
flash in the pants
and as so and so said to so and so
you just neverno when it's
time todye
4 humans and a beloved pet have died in the last 2 weeks and a wee time
not my closest circle, ie not my mom, but my friend's mom, other friend's child
an old friend of the family, and a coworker for many years, and finally the companion of a poet
all in all a tad traumatizing
more so for them than me, but it's runoff just filled with a discolouration
and soon it is time to go back to faraway

the goodnews = love has bound my ankles and wrists and tells me cooey things,
although it's a strange place i can't say it's at all unpalatable (*tralala*)


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