Friday, May 16, 2008


qbitty said...

so you're addickted to cambodian hospital making, i surmise?

eric d said...

if only one could be so productive
i am mired in the politico
but learning how to play the game
oddly this is both constructive
and deconstructive therefore
i suspect i am just suspended in
time and space like a speck of

hey. how can i loop the above video,
i like the audio quality and i am amazed
that it was captured as such a magical
little carwash bite.
you are the guru o guru
of all computer things

oh funny, i have a litany of little people
( in years. it's relative ) here who are
a bucket more technical than i but i just
wouldn't want to put a technical q on them

they keep asking me all sorts of nonsense
like" what programs do you use, adobe? "

snort, what is with these people? did they miss out
on the world somehow. given a "creative tool" and thy can't get out of boxing said tool into one nice neat little package like arnold turns into liquid metal. suuuuuure, i say, that's fine too...

back to looping. lala

hey, i read other people's ideas and i realize they think in a much more cohesive way that we do.
well, than i do.
hahah poor people.
spinningly randomly yours
oh no, better,
atomically yours!


My photo
if a photo, image or dress isn't mine i'll identify who's it is, or at least from whence it came.