Sunday, August 13, 2006

not doves / foul piece

yeah, there is a lot going on in the world

standing alone
trippin on mine enemies ffoott blow n over there
bloody savage isn't it while i dally about the school year starting and pencils and the soil of the guilt grows greener grass.
but shut that off now, i'm eating my dinner jumbosize that needle for the insulin. would you like anthrax. more than 4 dead in ohio when this baby hits. tie that down. in the cargo hold. mugshot me. one more lifeless one for road. listen to the rhetoric and bob's your uncle. it's HIV. TB. guantanamo. crop dust our heads with dead birds love won't bring us together. please deposit your H1N5 before boarding.
that'll shut the other shit down.

1 comment:

qbitty said...


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