Sunday, November 12, 2006

you know

putting stuff into this blog format is a bit like throwing a bunch of colours into the wash
weird wordblotches come out all over the place
pink on the whites
green, what the hell was green
random, but for some odd rules of entropy
and unlike the Gods. without a direction of wrath
sea swell
and a bit frustrating, at that...


Anonymous said...

Your increasingly disheveled entropic musings are propagating unencumbered across multiple event horizons!

eric d said...

i wundRd where u were
hiding blogless,Z

disheveled, yes...
so tru
i'm propagating disheveled tripe 4 fridgemagnets
and such

do u really obliterate your poetry after you write it?
that's brave
or something

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if a photo, image or dress isn't mine i'll identify who's it is, or at least from whence it came.

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